Baggying Helps to maintain moisture to the hair

Bagging is a cool way to maintain lenght and softness. This method make sure your hair and ends stay hydrated as possible which retain length equal to longer healthier hair.  Bagging is where you apply your favoite moisturizer to the hair then seal it in with your favoite organic oil like olive oil, castor oil, or coconut oil. Next step you will need to pin your hair into a ponytail or bun,then  grab a plastic cap like a conditioner cap to moistuzer your hair. This will allow the bag to trap in the heat to activate the steam from your hair with your moisturizer. Take a better look at this video below....

Sulfate free shampoos

Sulfate free shampoo is another step to having healthy soft hair. Everyone knows in order to have a happy hair of head is to have a clean scalp. Sulfate free shampoo is the best way to clean your hair without having to use harsh cleaning ingrendients on your hair know as sulfate. sulfate free shampoo leaves your hair soft while leaving it soft and shinny. Benefits.....

  • Helps clean the scalp without over stripping the hair
  • leaves moisture to he hair
  • Reduce irration to the scalp
  • Reduce hair loss
  • reduce color fading
  • Reduce frizziness and many more 

Examples of good sulfate free shampoo